Jockey Riding Fees for 2025

10 January 2025

Dear Owner

We wanted to provide you with an update on Jockey Riding Fees for 2025.  During the recent annual riding fee negotiations between the ROA and PJA, various aspects were outlined by the ROA supporting a 2% increase proposal including - but not exclusive to -the challenges facing Owners across British Racing in 2025. We also outlined the challenges related to outdated processes regarding price increases across all costs for owners, which continue to outstrip any potential increase in prize money.  The PJA’s position at the time of the negotiations was that they would accept an inflationary increase as it stood, which was 3.2%, and therefore rejected the ROA offer of 2%.  

As the position offered by the ROA Board on behalf of Owners was not accepted by the PJA, it was agreed that under the existing process the BHA Board would be asked to determine what the appropriate increase should be. Submissions from the ROA and PJA were presented to the BHA Board alongside a BHA Executive Team recommendation.

The BHA Board has subsequently determined that riding fees shall increase by 3.0% from 1st February, which means that the amount payable to Flat jockeys will increase from £162.79 to £167.67, and for Jump jockeys from £221.28 to £227.92.

In reaching its decision, the BHA Board took account of the submissions from both organisations.  With reference to these and other considerations, the Board determined that a 3.0% increase would represent an equitable outcome for both parties.

In response to this the ROA has raised concerns relating to the legacy approach adopted as part of this process and will drive for changes to be adopted in the future which promotes a much improved and transparent solution.

We appreciate this is a significantly challenging time for owners and the wider impacts as costs continue to rise and appreciate your support as we use 2025 as a catalyst for change for the future.

Best wishes,

Louise Norman

Chief Executive


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